Wednesday 18 June 2014

Young India looking forward for Modified India

India is too big a country and too diverse with undercurrents too strong to be calm without people having hope of a better tomorrow. The Sixteenth Loksabha election had 12 crore potential first-time voters formed 10 per cent of the population.  The impressive victory of BJP emphasizes the fact that voters wanted a positive change, which they found in BJP and to be more particular Modi. It took three decades to get clear mandate for any party after 1984 election.  This landslide victory of BJP is on the promise of good and stable government. Modi talks about jobs and development, two prominent issues among youths.
The style of Modi, blunt and straight (in –your face) and the way he was projected as a ‘vikas purush’ certainly sowed aspirations of ‘vibrant India’ among youths. UPA government was held responsible for series of scams and tattered economy. The national mood was angry and there was anti-incumbency and the people decided to give mandate to the party promising development and inclusive growth.Modi as a political leader has been known for its managerial and strong leadership quality. He has not left any stone unturned to reach 7RCR.
 Modi had a dream to sell and he was wise enough to realize that negative campaigns never win elections. He set the messages talking about development and talked about the issues compatible with the aspirations of the youth who were the potential voters. He was able to convince the masses because of his development model of Gujarat. Creation of jobs and wealth are the top priorities of  youth . Modi on many occasions said that he believes more in governance than in government. Modi government in Gujarat had received more than 285 awards for good governance. Thus the new government under Modi is expected to develop an alternative governance model to deliver good governance to people.
Transparency is an important aspect of good governance which UPA government failed to implement. Though RTI came during UPA rule and Congress never got tired saying that ‘information is power’ but failed to bring it into practice.  Today youths are more vigilant and remain active to check the development going around and thus want government to be transparent in their every action.
Corruption in bureaucracy and administrative machinery are embedded in our society.  Modi showed his tech savvy attitude during the entire election process as he is present on almost every digital platform. The first small step could be the digitization of birth and death records across the country. It is a simple and small step towards restoring the people’s faith because this ‘simple’ action of issue of birth certificate is actually very complex process due to corrupt administrative machinery.
In the last decade of UPA rule, growth nearly halved from 8.1 per cent to 4.9 per cent and inflation more than doubled from 3.8 per cent to 9.5 per cent. Job creation was almost absent distressing youth and thus it is necessary to create large scale job because due to unemployment India’s demographic dividend would become a burden. Clearly country needs a strong leader like Modi who can take strong and effective measures to promote manufacturing sector and infrastructural development which would generate jobs.
Greater investment in education and skill development is also expected. Modi’s vision included creation of 100 new smart cities, opening of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and the All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in every state , modernization of the Indian Railways. Modi always talks about making Indian cities as high tech and students would definitely be benefitted with the opening of IITs and IIMs in every states. Moreover Health is an important issue and public hospitals are in bad shape almost everywhere in the country. Modi has been saying continuously to conserve forest and environment, and his recent statement to serve ‘Ganga Maa’ evokes hope of certain policies related to environment and rivers. Women’s security is a vital issue, with the ever rising number of rape cases everyday. In Capital city, women do not feel safe on their way back home from work after 8pm. With strict law and order, safe environment, where women can feel free should be thought upon by the new government for women. The newly elected prime minister also talks of gender equality and women empowerment, so hopes are high for women’s reservation bill to be passed soon. Modi said women should be seen as nation builders and not mere homemakers, and that there is a need to ensure their dignity and safety.
Justice delayed is justice denied and India is unfortunate for denying justice to its citizens in most of the cases. There is an immediate need to set up large number of fast track courts for speedy trial.
Modi has always been seen as a strong leader with nationalist approach, fingers are crossed hoping strong foreign policy and good diplomatic ties with the neighbouring countries. The nation saw the pilot programme of Modi’s foreign policy. The heads of neighbouring countries were invited in the swearing ceremony showed the will of holding good ties with the neighbours.

Internal and external security issues are the prime concern for any government but UPA government did not handle it properly with series of incidence threatening country’s security.
 Modi assured of focusing on 5Ts—talent, tradition, tourism, trade and technology. Youth look at Modi with great expectation also because the way he travelled and struggled in his journey from a chaai wala to 7RCR.
 A common chai wala challenged the dynasty of Gandhi-Nehru family. Dynastic politics has been criticized severely all over and youth get confidence and energy. Economy has already seen the boost, with rupee rising the highest from last August. It is expected that trade relation with USA would be improved. Sports and physical education provide the foundations necessary for the development and well-being of younger people in society. Swami Vivekananda said, “You will be nearer to heaven through football than through study of Gita”. Youth of the country want some good policies for development in the field of sports, which has never been given due importance under previous governments.
The Indian economy is in a bad shape and Modi has not shown any prepared blueprint to revive the beleaguered economy. Now Modi has to prove the effectiveness of his decision making power and smart managerial skills by delivering fair and good governance to people. Youth are aspiring to achieve and fulfill their desires under Modi regime as Modi keeps saying that youth need to be promoted for a developed Bharat, but how he will realise these aspirations is a big question. Another big question is,how Modi will satisfy his friends who are major stakeholders in econmy and at the same time takes care of the needs of the people who have given him the clear mandate to form the government.
 Corporate houses and common men have diverse interests where the former want to earn as much profit as possible and the later want to get their needs fulfilled at a decent rate for instance fuel and LPG prices are expected to be calm down by the new government but how the government would be able to make it is the real question. Now it is high time where Modi government has to showcase its ability to implement all its promises and realise the bigger dream of inclusive growth and 'Secular India' which is the most talked about issue. Modi has to prove his secular identity with his inclusive growth policy and conserving the interests of minorities within country. At this juncture we can hope that Modi with all his promises keeping intact would come up with the Youth commision and facilitates the youth of this country with better plans and policies for better tomorrow.

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